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Join PFS

Membership in the Portland FolkMusic Society will bring you the bi-monthly newsletter, Local Lore, and discounts on some PFS events. You will have the pleasure of being a member of a community of people who like a lot of the same music as you. And, your membership will help keep that music alive in the Portland area and beyond. 

Members in good standing are eligible to vote for the Board of Directors and run for the Board.

Also, some features of this website are reserved exclusively for PFS members. 

Join on-line

You can join PFS right now - keep reading until you come to the Join PFS on line now button below.

First, decide what type of membership you want:

Description Cost
1, 2. Regular one and two year memberships. Regular memberships include a subscription to the Local Lore newsletter, and discounts on PFS events. The first regular membership in a family is $30. A second Regular Member in the same family is only $10, and up to five additional family members can join for free. Two year memberships, at a slightly reduced fee, are also available. $30(1 year)
$55 (2 years)
3. Sustaining Sustaining members are able and willing pay more to support the work of PFS. Thank you!
They have the same rights and privileges as Regular Members, and you will receive a statement that half of the amount is a charitable contribution.
4. Life If you can afford it and plan to be around a long time, a Life membership is a good deal! As a life member you have the same rights and privileges as Regular Members, except that you never have to think about paying your annual dues. $500
5.Student and low income Student and Low Income memberships are available for those who need them, no questions asked. Same rights and privileges as Regular Members, except that you will download Local Lore from the website, rather than receive a paper copy. (But if you need to have a paper copy, just let us know). $5
6. Student and low income deluxe Just like the Student and Low Income, but includes a mailed copy of Local Lore if you prefer. $15
7,8. Business Business members have all the benefits of Regular Members, and in addition are listed on our website and receive a discount on Local Lore advertising. Please contact for more information.  $75 renewal, $100 new members

Join PFS on line now

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